The Oliverwho Factory – Nightlights 12″


Catcalling from the depths of a city seen from the outside as crumbling, sonic grooves carve a path to the soulful Detroit duo known simply as the Oliverwho Factory. First noticed across the primitive music sharing plateaus of a decade past, the Oliverwho Factory quickly gained notoriety overseas with a Glasgow based distribution, and a keen sense of product importance, releasing rich, mood-driven tracks on vinyl, inspired by and resonating the roots of rock, pop, jazz, and R&B. Earth near-silently stumbles with the distinct yet mysterious, funk laden blend of house and techno that Oliverwho and Shonie C. so naturally provide. Like stepping into dreamscapes of unknown desire, the obscure flavor of OWF’s tunes keeps unconventional beauty and otherworldly adventure at the forefront of this duo’s Detroit-based soundboard.

With a scant 10 releases under their belt since they premiered on their own Madd Chaise Inc imprint in 2003, they have created a name for themselves that is rarely heard but when it is, it’s uttered in a reverent tone. Their sound is one that doesn’t fit easily into a box; its raw and electrifying blend of soulful house and jackin’ techno. The Oliverwho Factory’s disposition has been cautious and a bit resistant with any major spotlight. Whatever the reason, it’s only a matter of time before the world realizes what they’ve been missing. After sticking to small quantities of vinyl through the years they’ve made each release sought after and instant gems.

The Oliverwho Factory – Nightlights 12″


Catcalling from the depths of a city seen from the outside as crumbling, sonic grooves carve a path to the soulful Detroit duo known simply as the Oliverwho Factory. First noticed across the primitive music sharing plateaus of a decade past, the Oliverwho Factory quickly gained notoriety overseas with a Glasgow based distribution, and a keen sense of product importance, releasing rich, mood-driven tracks on vinyl, inspired by and resonating the roots of rock, pop, jazz, and R&B. Earth near-silently stumbles with the distinct yet mysterious, funk laden blend of house and techno that Oliverwho and Shonie C. so naturally provide. Like stepping into dreamscapes of unknown desire, the obscure flavor of OWF’s tunes keeps unconventional beauty and otherworldly adventure at the forefront of this duo’s Detroit-based soundboard.

With a scant 10 releases under their belt since they premiered on their own Madd Chaise Inc imprint in 2003, they have created a name for themselves that is rarely heard but when it is, it’s uttered in a reverent tone. Their sound is one that doesn’t fit easily into a box; its raw and electrifying blend of soulful house and jackin’ techno. The Oliverwho Factory’s disposition has been cautious and a bit resistant with any major spotlight. Whatever the reason, it’s only a matter of time before the world realizes what they’ve been missing. After sticking to small quantities of vinyl through the years they’ve made each release sought after and instant gems.

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